What Are Articles?
Articles are the word defining whether specific or unspecific. There are three types of articles: the, a, and an.
Some advice from our experts:
Indefinite articles (a and an)
A & An are Indefinite articles that mean they don't refer to anything definite or specific. If someone says "I need a book." you might go and bring any book as it does not refer to a specific book. Similarly "I need an apple, "does not refer to any particular apple, you may bring any apple either from a store or from your fridge.
Uses: Only used with singular noun.
a is used before a word with a consonant sound like a pen.
an is used before a word with a vowel sound like an egg.
Definite article (the)
The is a Definite article that means they refer to anything definite or specific. If someone says "I need the book." Here in the sentence, a specific book is referred.
the is used to before singular and plural specific nouns.
This part is very important and mainly question come from the exceptions.
Exception for Indefinite Articles
Article is not used with: Kind of / sort of, Man and woman, and uncountable nouns.
Exception for Definite Articles
Article is not used with: names of countries (if singular), languages, meals, people's name & last name, profession, names of shops, years, uncountable nouns, individual mountains, lakes, and islands.
Articles are not used with fixed expressions eg. by car, by air, at school..