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What Are Articles?

Articles are the word defining whether specific or unspecific. There are three types of articles: the, a, and an.


Some advice from our experts:

Indefinite articles (a and an)

A & An are Indefinite articles that mean they don't refer to anything definite or specific. If someone says "I need a book." you might go and bring any book as it does not refer to a specific book. Similarly "I need an apple, "does not refer to any particular apple, you may bring any apple either from a store or from your fridge.

Uses: Only used with singular noun.

a is used before a word with a consonant sound like a pen.

an is used before a word with a vowel sound like an egg.

Definite article (the)

The is a Definite article that means they refer to anything definite or specific. If someone says "I need the book." Here in the sentence, a specific book is referred.


the is used to before singular and plural specific nouns.


This part is very important and mainly question come from the exceptions.

Exception for Indefinite Articles

  • Article is not used with: Kind of / sort of, Man and woman, and uncountable nouns.

Exception for Definite Articles

  • Article is not used with: names of countries (if singular), languages, meals, people's name & last name, profession, names of shops, years, uncountable nouns, individual mountains, lakes, and islands.

  • Articles are not used with fixed expressions eg. by car, by air, at school..

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