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C/C++ Program for Write a program to add two numbers in base 14.

program solution

# include <stdio.h>

# include <stdlib.h>

# define bool int


int getNumeralValue(char );

char getNumeral(int );


/* Function to add two numbers in base 14 */

char *sumBase14(char *num1,  char *num2)


   int l1 = strlen(num1);

   int l2 = strlen(num2); 

   char *res;

   int i;

   int nml1, nml2, res_nml; 

   bool carry = 0;


   if(l1 != l2)


     printf("Function doesn't support numbers of different lengths. If you want to add such numbers then prefix smaller number with required no. of zeroes");





   /* Note the size of the allocated memory is one more than i/p lengths for the cases where we have carry at the last like adding D1 and A1 */  

   res = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(l1 + 1));


   /* Add all numerals from right to left */

   for(i = l1-1; i >= 0; i--)


     /* Get decimal values of the numerals of i/p numbers*/         

     nml1 = getNumeralValue(num1[i]);

     nml2 = getNumeralValue(num2[i]);


     /* Add decimal values of numerals and carry */

     res_nml = carry + nml1 + nml2;


     /* Check if we have carry for next addition of numerals */

     if(res_nml >= 14)


       carry = 1;

       res_nml -= 14;




       carry = 0; 


     res[i+1] = getNumeral(res_nml);



   /* if there is no carry after last iteration then result should not include 0th character of the resultant string */

   if(carry == 0)

     return (res + 1); 


   /* if we have carry after last iteration then result should include 0th character */

   res[0] = '1';

   return res;



/* Function to get value of a numeral. For example it returns 10 for input 'A' 1 for '1', etc */

int getNumeralValue(char num)


  if( num >= '0' && num <= '9')

    return (num - '0');

  if( num >= 'A' && num <= 'D') 

    return (num - 'A' + 10);


  /* If we reach this line caller is giving

    invalid character so we assert and fail*/ 




/* Function to get numeral for a value. For example it returns 'A' for input 10 '1' for 1, etc */

char getNumeral(int val)


  if( val >= 0 && val <= 9)

    return (val + '0');

  if( val >= 10 && val <= 14) 

    return (val + 'A' - 10);


  /* If we reach this line caller is giving

    invalid no. so we assert and fail*/     




/*Driver program to test above functions*/

int main()


    char *num1 = "DC2";

    char *num2 = "0A3";


    printf("Result is %s", sumBase14(num1, num2)); 


    return 0;



Result is 1085

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