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C/C++ Program for Count Numbers that don’t contain 3.

program solution

#include <stdio.h>


/* returns count of numbers which are in range from 1 to n and don't contain 3 as a digit */

int count(int n)


    // Base cases (Assuming n is not negative)

    if (n < 3)

        return n;

    if (n >= 3 && n < 10)

       return n-1;


    // Calculate 10^(d-1) (10 raise to the power d-1) where d is number of digits in n. po will be 100 for n = 578 

    int po = 1;

    while (n/po > 9)

        po = po*10;


    // find the most significant digit (msd is 5 for 578)

    int msd = n/po;


    if (msd != 3)

      // For 578, total will be 4*count(10^2 - 1) + 4 + count(78)

      return count(msd)*count(po - 1) + count(msd) + count(n%po);


      // For 35, total will be equal to count(29)

      return count(msd*po - 1);



// Driver program to test above function

int main()


    printf ("%d ", count(578));

    return 0;




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