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C/C++ Program for Write an Efficient Method to check if a Number is Multiple of 3.

program solution

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int isMultipleOf3(int n)


    int odd_count = 0;

    int even_count = 0;


    /* Make no positive if +n is multiple of 3 then is -n. We are doing this to avoid stack overflow in recursion*/

    if (n < 0)

        n = -n;

    if (n == 0)

        return 1;

    if (n == 1)

        return 0;


    while (n) {

        // If odd bit is set then increment odd counter

        if (n & 1)



        // If even bit is set then increment even counter

        if (n & 2)


        n = n >> 2;


    return isMultipleOf3(abs(odd_count - even_count));



/* Program to test function isMultipleOf3 */

int main()


    int num = 24;

    if (isMultipleOf3(num))

        printf("%d is multiple of 3", num);


        printf("%d is not a multiple of 3", num);

    return 0;



24 is multiple of 3

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