Categories of GD to get into Top Companies
Case Studies
Role Plays
As the name suggests. this type of GD revolves around a specific topic given to the group for discussion. It can further be divided into the following two categories:
The most typical kind of discussion, this is chosen to assess your knowledge base and analytical capability. You need to have a basic level of knowledge pertaining to the topic so that you can contribute uniquely to the group. Examples of such topics are as follows:
The size of the nation's budget reflects the nation's fear.
Should India accept the UN Security Council seat the veto power?
The social sector has become a lucrative business. But is it supposed to be that?
Abstract Topics
Abstract topics test your imagination and common sense. There is no clear, pre-defined interpretation of the topic and participants need to think out of the box. Over the course of the
discussion, the same topic might turn out to mean something entirely different than what you began with. These topics include the following:
A teardrop on my guitar
Green is better than red
A to Z
Case Studies
Sometimes the participants of the discussion can be given a case study of any company or a fictional situation based on real-life and they will be given a short description about the issue and the factors involved with one or more problems related to it. The participants need to identify the stakeholders, their constraints, governing factors and feasible alternatives. It is an open-ended discussion where nobody is right or wrong. What being evaluated here is your ability to think about both, the macro and micro levels, your thought process and problem-solving abilities. Examples include the following:
The Satyam Scam
The rise of Facebook
Hero and Honda parting ways
Role Plays
This will normally involve putting the participants in a work-related situation to see how they would deal with it. Each member of the group may be allocated a role and briefed beforehand on their role and the background to the topic under discussion. One has to get under the skin of her/his role and behave accordingly. Remember, the speakers have to behave like the person whose role they are put into, not how they as a person would normally behave.
Make a case for your department to receive an increased allocation of funds.
Argue the case for 'your' candidate to be the one who gets promoted.
Demand for the rise in wages from the workers and union.